Friday, November 18, 2005

The Scottius Maximus Celebrities Of The Month

It's the Sklars, Jayson and Randy, from ESPN Classic and Cheap Seats Without Ron Parker. Loyal partisans of the St. Louis Cardinals and Busch Stadium.

Last night's Cheap Seats episode showed our heroes gallantly fighting to keep Busch Stadium from it's destruction. Of course, it ends as the wrecking ball is crashing through the roof.

But I loved Jayson and Randy's compromise plan, something which is still doable. Combine the new and old Busch Stadiums into one GIGANTIC ballpark.

Left field in the new park would (okay, less than seamlessly) be formed from the old stadium, keeping the old home plate, 3rd base, and left field areas of the old park intact. The left field stands where Mark McGwire's 62nd home run landed would be part of centerfield of the new configuration.

<--Home plate area (part of new park)

<--Left field wall and stands of new complex(from old Busch's home plate area).

Of course, this would put the new left field fence a mere 800 feet from home plate. To which I can only say, "AWESOME DUDES!"

Okay, so no plan is perfect. And as the Sklars pointed out, Busch stadium would be the "inside the park home run" haven, with it's cavernous left field. I would guess that managers would have a hard time figuring how to pitch, and defend, this gap. It would change the face of baseball as we know it.

Call the Cardinals now to stop the total destruction of Busch and incorporate a win-win strategy of keeping the old with the new!

And then stop by the Cheap Seats website and view part of the episode, On The Road: Busch Stadium.

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