Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Tuesday Reading

Genesis 25-27.
Matthew 9.

The mind wanders sometimes. 

And in my wandering, I have figured out that either: a) Time really does not exist, or b) We live in multiple infinities.

Because each second is composed of subunits of time, 1/8, 1/100, 1/1000 of a second, etc., then, because of the infinity of numbers, there are an infinite number of subunits.  So each second must pass through an infinite number of subunits. 

But if there are an infinite number of subunits, one would never reach the end of a single second, and therefore it would never end.  Each would be eternal.

Meaning in the time it took to read the paragraphs above, you have lived perhaps 30 eternities.

So time could not possibly be a real concept.

Or...you are very freaking old, daddy-o.

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