Sunday, July 21, 2019

How I Am Filling My Time Shout Outs, Especially Fighting For The Faith

I still am watching and liking the Cardinals chances, only 3 games out, with the offense yet to get on track.  It is bound to happen.  Waiting for the inevitable big streak to begin.

Still listen a lot to Issues, Etc.  It's still the flagship of my Saturday morning garden listening.  As well as my drives to and from work.

MeTV is my go-to non-Cardinals television.  Although Saturday afternoons still belong to PBS and Saturday nights to RFD-TV.

Hardly ever watch HGTV anymore.  Too many reruns and too little variety.  I still record House Hunters to watch, but rarely actually get around to watching it.

Hardly ever watch DIY anymore.  Same reasons.

I watch some YouTube, mainly Pecos Hank and NewsBeFunny.

My new favorite thing to do in my free time is listen to Pirate Christian Radio's Fighting For the Faith, also watching it on YouTube.

I first heard Pastor Chris Rosebrough on Issues, Etc., with his regular end of the week segment on "This Week in Pop American Christianity".  I find his teaching style easy to listen to and of course informative.

I have embedded two of my favorites I have listened to recently.

His blasting of Joel Osteen is, granted, low-hanging fruit.  But it's still worth a listen.

How can anyone want most of the American Church teaches, when you can have what Scriptures really teach?  Don't answer, I know.

But the second embed is the real meat to this post.

The realization that Scriptures are not about us, not a guidebook for our lives and how to live a better one, but about Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation, is the key to understanding who God is and our relationship to Him.

I hate to say it, but I never got that until I started attending a real confessional Lutheran Church 18 years ago.  Before that, I looked to find me and my life in every book, chapter and verse of the Bible.

I finally understood the Old Testament and its importance to understanding the New Testament.  It's all there, it just took looking at the books with a different lens that what I had tried my whole life.  It finally all made sense.  It's all Jesus Christ.  That's it.

And when you finally have that "Aha" moment, which he described happening to himself in the video, it blows one's mind because it is so simple.  But it opens up everything.

Leviticus?  Can't understand it?  Well, it's all about Jesus Christ.  The Tabernacle?  Hello, Jesus.  The prophets?  Everything else?  Of course.

What Pastor Rosebrough is saying here is so vitally important.  That's why I had to post it.  I will probably watch it again and again as years go by, to keep me grounded.  Looking forward to Part 2.

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