Friday, January 01, 2021

Been Asleep At The Blogging Switch- Did I Miss Anything I Could Have Posted About?

Good morning!

Haven't posted since 2019.  So, I'm sure a lot has happened.  Anyone want to fill me in?  

And will it take long?  I have some things to do.  Please hurry it up.

Anyway, I haven't changed, at least not that I have noticed.  Except I'm getting a little slower, a little grayer, a little less strong, and a little less energetic.  

Actually that last part is not exactly true.  I am honestly exhausted.

Other than those 4 things, I really haven't changed.

But a little rest in the near future, starting today, and I should be good as new soon.

While some would say this past year has been trying, and it certainly has been that, and a lot of people would like all this to end and go back to the way it used to be, and I certainly can understand that, just think about those who lived through a couple World Wars.

Think of the uncertainty, the sacrifice, and the day-to-day grinding it took to make it through those times.  We are just about a year into this, and people are already weary.  Can you imagine having another 3 years of this to endure?  I have my doubts that "we", collectively, could do it.

We just gotta take it one day at a time, lest we forget tomorrow is promised to no one.  I know not how we could forget that in the year we just had, but I have at times.

So, since we're now going to be living one day at a time...

...let's set some goals for the year!

It's been three years since I've taken a through-the-Bible reading journey, both personally and on this blog.  So here we go again.

For today:
Genesis 1-3.
Matthew 1.

Please join me.  We will definitely finish before the end of the year, unless someone gets sick.  Or I actually get interested in professional sports again.  

Like baseball.

And the New Year is a good time to start exercising again, something I have neglected the past 10 months.  I will set very modest targets this year, which I hope to blow through.  No more 25,000 or 30,000 push ups or squats goals as in years past, at least not this one.  How about 10,000 of each, and 10,000 steps a day?  That's easy to remember.

Looking forward to lots more posting this year.  I'll say 100 posts sounds doable to me, if not down right frightening for anyone still out there reading.  

I can't believe I still have some followers.

I may even venture into something called MySpace and Twizzler(?), which I have heard are becoming popular.

Of course, Deo Volente.

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