Monday, May 10, 2021

This Year's Goals Update

Checking in again.

Today I hit 5000 pushups.  I will hit my goals by mid to late October, God willing I stay healthy and no unforeseen circumstances.  I have added a lot more exercises, too.

I have finished Luke, John and Acts in the New Testament.  

I decided after finishing Acts that I would do 4 chapters a day in the Old Testament, and suspend the New Testament, so that when I get back to it and start to read the Epistles it would be in bigger chunks than just a chapter a day.  

I think the Epistles should be taken in larger chunks to help the reading context.

So I have now read from Joshua through Ezra 4.

My posting is way behind, but I am still confident I can make that up with the summer close at hand.

I have yet to sit and watch a baseball game this year.  I do check the standings.

Hope everyone is well.  Blessings to all!

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