Monday, March 05, 2018

Sunday and Monday Reading and Going to Subway

Deuteronomy 31-34.
Joshua 1-3.
Luke 19-20.

I have had my problems with Subway in the past.  But I continue to eat there.

So today, I got 4 napkins.  I guess to make up for the fact I got no chips with my sandwich.

Unfortunately, the napkins were plain, not BARBECUE flavored, which is what I had ordered for my chips I never got.  So I remained hungry in spite of their generosity.

To top it all off, it was raining, so I had gone through the drive through instead of parking and walking in.  "I'll keep from getting wet", I said to myself.

Which plan would have been brilliant, had I not had to roll down my window.  For this Subway's drive through had no roof or cover.  The second I rolled down my window, my face, eyes and inside of my car began getting pelted by drops of rain. 

I was almost afraid to open my mouth to speak into the giant menu board for fear of getting a free drink.

The wind was strong enough that a few drops reached to the passenger side of the car.  I took an impromptu shower.

For which the three extra napkins I had came in quite handy.

Oh well, at least I got to eat, so I am thankful for that.


  1. Using extra napkins means even more trees have to be cut down and makes baby Gaia cry.

  2. Barb!

    Sorry, just saw your comment.
    Maybe Subway can't stand to see a grown planet cry.
