Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tuesday To Thursday Reading

Tuesday Reading:
Exodus 25-27.
Matthew 26.

Wednesday Reading:
Exodus 28-30.
Matthew 27.

Thursday Reading:
Exodus 31-33.
Matthew 28.

A few things I wanted to note in this past 3 days reading set.

First, I could have posted this in Genesis 20, but it also goes with Matthew 27 which deals with the crucifixion.  

Fighting For The Faith once again came through here in the series on Understanding The Old Testament.  It's another must see in this series.  If you haven't seen it, you really need to do so.  Go to:

(129) A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament Part 3 - YouTube

Really awesome.

Secondly, is the seriousness of the Sabbath in Exodus 31.  

However, as we read a few chapters ago in Matthew, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.  Applying the principles we have learned from Pastor Rosebrough, to reconcile this we are to see and understand that Jesus is the Sabbath.

Lastly, I chuckle every time I read Exodus 32, for the sheer "ludiocrisy" of Aaron and his quick thinking.  That well thought out excuse he gives for the golden calf incident.  

Either he's stupid, or he thinks Moses is stupid, or he is just a terrible liar.  

Probably all 3.And that goes for every one of us, too.  .

Anyway, it is one of the funniest moments in the Bible.  I'm sure this is what I must look like to God at times.  So glad this part of the story was recorded.

So much good stuff here.  Thanks for reading along.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Five Days Reading And Tom Brady

Exodus 10-12.
Matthew 21.

Exodus 13-15.
Matthew 22.

Exodus 16-18.
Matthew 23.

Exodus 19-21.
Matthew 24.

Exodus 22-24.
Matthew 25.

I was stunned by Tom Brady's win yesterday, even though I shouldn't have been.

About 5 years ago I did not consider him to be the best there ever was, and I even remember scoffing about his plans to continue playing until age 45.

I don't even think it can be argued now, after watching him yesterday complete the transformation of Tampa Bay into a championship team, that he is the greatest quarterback who has ever played.

It's not even close any more.

He is going to his 10th Super Bowl.  That is incomprehensible.

This number is the stuff of Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell, people who have legends based on records that no one will ever even approach.

We are witnessing an era that people will talk about as long as men play football.  He will be forever the standard by which everyone else is compared.

Glad I got to see it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Past 5 Days Reading And My Proposal

Genesis 46-48
Matthew 16.

Genesis 49-50.
Matthew 17.

Exodus 1-3.
Matthew 18.

Exodus 4-6.
Matthew 19.

Exodus 7-9.
Matthew 20.

Thanks to Barb The Evil Genius for pointing out my mistake on my post January 11th when I stated that the year was a third over.  Of course I meant to say the month.  I have left it up there as is, without correction, in all of its glory.

But what if that could be true.  Think of all the great things that could happen if the year was only 31 days long.

First, we would all live much longer.  Instead of our life expectancies being only 80 years roughly, they would instead be 960 years.  Which is as old as Methuselah.

We would spend many more years in school.  It would take us 144 years after kindergarten to even graduate high school.  Think of how much more we could learn and how much smarter we would be.

Think of all the time off.  

Saturdays and Sundays would account for roughly 8-10 days of the year.  We would have to jam in all the holidays in the 21 to 23 days remaining.  New Year's, Martin Luther King's Birthday, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I count 10 holidays.

That would mean we would only work 11 to 13 days a  year.

The only downside I see is having to file income tax returns every 31 days.

What do you think?  Sounds great to me. 

You're welcome.  Sometimes great things happen by accident.  But I'll keep working on more ideas to advance our world, too.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Reading And Christ In The Old Testament

Genesis 34-36.
Matthew 12.

Genesis 37-39.
Matthew 13.

Genesis 40-42.
Matthew 14.

Genesis 43-45.
Matthew 15.

In 2019's last post I embedded a video from Fighting For the Faith about understanding the Old Testament.  

That series was awesome.  As I read through the story of Joseph and his brothers, I am reminded of this in particular.

Here is the link.  Very incredible.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Weekend And Monday Reading

Saturday and Sunday:
Genesis 25-30.
Matthew 9-10.

Genesis 31-33.
Matthew 11.

Well, we are a third of the way through the year.  Let's take a little inventory on how the year is going:

Pushups 600.
Squats 600.
Steps ? my app is amiss because I don't like walking with my phone.  I am not hitting 10,000 though I am sure.
Posts 6.

Doing well except not sure how to get the steps in now and count them.

Friday, January 08, 2021

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Reading, Lot, And Rev. Paul T. McCain

Genesis 16-18.
Matthew 6.

Genesis 19-21.
Matthew 7.

Genesis 22-24.
Matthew 8.

So why is Lot mentioned in Genesis?

He is surely as wretched as all of us, and seems like a side story, until we come to the point.  I love Genesis 19:16.  The LORD was merciful to Lot.  He just up and saved him.  Not because of anything he had done.  My goodness, look what he tried to do to his daughters.

Genesis 19:16, and really verse 15, are very comforting words to a bunch of wretches like us

A few years ago I commented on this event in a post here.  Hard to believe that was 10 years ago.  When I went to look for it, I thought it was maybe 3-5 years ago.  Wow.

This post in 2011 is also remarkable for the fact that the Rev. Paul T. McCain was kind enough to visit my blog and leave a comment.

For those who don't know, this frequent contributor to the great Issues, Etc. was the publisher at Concordia Publishing House.  I was saddened to hear of his passing this past November.  

Betcha he is not sad like the rest of us.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Tuesday Reading And More Flood Stuff

Genesis 13-15.
Matthew 5.

I have the Lutheran Study Bible and one of the footnotes on Melchizedek from today's reading states that the early church fathers and even Martin Luther "associated" him with Shem.

I don't remember ever reading that anywhere, even though I have read this multiple times, but if it were true would be kinda cool.  So, to test whether this theory is even possible, I pulled out the ol' reliable Timechart Of Biblical History.  There are some pretty cool charts on that resource that put forth timelines.

If you don't have this, you should.  Remember yesterday when I mentioned the basement of the Ark Encounter being their bookstore?  Well guess where I bought this book?

The timeline is a treasure trove of people, blood lines and contemporaneous events. 

By studying the timeline, I am happy to report that not only was Shem alive when Abram walked the Earth, but he was also alive at the time Isaac was born!  And the Great Sphinx was built.

No wonder Abram treated him like he did- it may have been his great-great-great-great...OK, I am too lazy to try to calculate how many greats I need...grandfather.

So it is very possible this legend could be true.

It helps when you live over 500 years.  You sure get to see a lot.  Not sure I will make it, though.  We'll see.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Monday Reading And The Flood

Genesis 10-12.
Matthew 4.

I love reading about The Flood, so yesterday's reading was the foundation of all that.

If you haven't yet been to the Creation Museum or The Ark Encounter, you are missing a couple visits you will never forget.  Make it your summer destination if possible.

The Ark Encounter is awesome.  We went there in 2018.  I am looking forward to going back.

The massive structure is stunning to behold.  The exhibits are so well done, from the weather and climate, to the engineering explanations of how the ark could have functioned, including waste removal and fresh water systems, to the feeding and living quarters.

And I could spend a couple hours alone in the basement in the gift shop, just looking at the books and resources.

I also recommend Answers In Genesis, the force behind both, as a worthy charity of which to contribute.  I have never been disappointed by anything they have ever done and have gladly given my hard earned money for a few years.

These are some photos I snapped with people in the foreground in order to try to show the scale of this structure.  It might help to click on each photo to see as the post itself will not do it justice.

Massively awesome.  Can't wait to go back.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Weekend Reading And Being Good-Looking

Genesis 4-6.
Matthew 2.

Genesis 7-9.
Matthew 3.

I haven't changed the look of my blog in a long time, until now.

I must say I really like it, and don't think I have ever had a theme like this one.  Maybe I'm wrong.

Is there any way to go back and view historically what our blogs looked like say 5 or 10 years ago.  I can remember a few themes, but not all of them.

I remember a black and gold theme after the Cardinals won the 2006 World Series, to signify the win and trophy.

I remember a baseball and grass theme at one time.

But I have stuck with mostly reds due to the Cardinals, and grays and blacks and off-whites.

It would be nice to put a picture up on this blog, but can't figure out how to put it in the background instead of having it tile across.

Anyway, we will go with this one for awhile, at least until Spring.  The start of which has apparently not been declared yet.  Hurry it up already!

So what do you think?  I kinda like it.  Looks good, no?

Friday, January 01, 2021

Been Asleep At The Blogging Switch- Did I Miss Anything I Could Have Posted About?

Good morning!

Haven't posted since 2019.  So, I'm sure a lot has happened.  Anyone want to fill me in?  

And will it take long?  I have some things to do.  Please hurry it up.

Anyway, I haven't changed, at least not that I have noticed.  Except I'm getting a little slower, a little grayer, a little less strong, and a little less energetic.  

Actually that last part is not exactly true.  I am honestly exhausted.

Other than those 4 things, I really haven't changed.

But a little rest in the near future, starting today, and I should be good as new soon.

While some would say this past year has been trying, and it certainly has been that, and a lot of people would like all this to end and go back to the way it used to be, and I certainly can understand that, just think about those who lived through a couple World Wars.

Think of the uncertainty, the sacrifice, and the day-to-day grinding it took to make it through those times.  We are just about a year into this, and people are already weary.  Can you imagine having another 3 years of this to endure?  I have my doubts that "we", collectively, could do it.

We just gotta take it one day at a time, lest we forget tomorrow is promised to no one.  I know not how we could forget that in the year we just had, but I have at times.

So, since we're now going to be living one day at a time...

...let's set some goals for the year!

It's been three years since I've taken a through-the-Bible reading journey, both personally and on this blog.  So here we go again.

For today:
Genesis 1-3.
Matthew 1.

Please join me.  We will definitely finish before the end of the year, unless someone gets sick.  Or I actually get interested in professional sports again.  

Like baseball.

And the New Year is a good time to start exercising again, something I have neglected the past 10 months.  I will set very modest targets this year, which I hope to blow through.  No more 25,000 or 30,000 push ups or squats goals as in years past, at least not this one.  How about 10,000 of each, and 10,000 steps a day?  That's easy to remember.

Looking forward to lots more posting this year.  I'll say 100 posts sounds doable to me, if not down right frightening for anyone still out there reading.  

I can't believe I still have some followers.

I may even venture into something called MySpace and Twizzler(?), which I have heard are becoming popular.

Of course, Deo Volente.